
Feng Li

Your way of looking at things is really great! I like your availability and your kindness, then your remarkable depth of analysis ;)) as you said "putting words on evils" you do it well. Why aren't you better known?


Just a word to thank you, this last meeting was very enriching. Your comments and your interpretation show great accuracy and a psychological approach that is both very professional and very sensitive. Here I am more serene and full of courage for the implementation of my project. Thank you for your tact, your humanity and your concern for others. Very good continuation!

Feng Li

Feng Li
Jude & John
Los Angeles

We met Feng during an internship. I was looking for an astrologer, not knowing there was one sitting right next to me. Like what there is no chance, you just have to wait for the right moment. So I called on Feng for his skills as an astrologer and for a personalized horoscope. I was really surprised on the precision of my chart and especially to note the exactitude of the facts. Also, this year I renewed my request, because her seriousness, her professionalism, her kindness made her a great person, whom I appreciate.


Feng is a talented, intelligent, particularly conscientious, relevant and generous astrologer. She is a guide illuminating the path of those who seek light in the darkness with a strength and wisdom that arouse my admiration. Thank you so much Feng, I hope your work can enlighten more people on their life path and bring you the recognition you deserve. Namaste.

Feng Li