Whoi is Feng LI ?

First of all, Feng Li is the Chinese astrologer who founded the International Academy of Astrology (I.A.A.), the first legally declared French language astrology school, with Claire Du Manoir in 1969.

Feng is the eldest of a family of 4 children and has always loved school. Reading, learning, writing has always been a pleasure for her. When she was a child and asked “What do you want to do later in life?”, she had such a thirst for learning that she invariably answered: “I want to study all my life.”

His interest in astrology started very young around 7 or 8 years old. One day his father arrived with a huge map of the sky. With beautiful color drawings. A map of the galaxy, the Milky Way, with planets, stars, constellations. All listed with their scientific characteristics. She was amazed! You guessed that astronomy was his first passion.
Then as a teenager, she discovered astrology and its psychological dimension. As she has always been fascinated by human behavior, she found a wealth of information and explanations about human nature there. During adolescence, she received the teaching of the Vietnamese master Vo Van Em who asked her to transmit the Chinese astrology of the 109 energies.

In 1998, she created Bio-Astrology, the study of the correlations that exist between the memories that circulate in the genealogy, and the configurations of the birth chart.

Today, Feng provides his oral teaching in metropolitan France but also in the West Indies, Switzerland and Belgium. She also teaches distance learning to students around the world.